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Who we are
We are a non-profit, non-political, humanitarian relief organisation.Our team have ties with Burma either through birth or family. We initially collected donations from the wider community on a voluntary basis 13 years ago to date. We started up with the hope to raise funds for the Burma Muslim Hospital, where people who were poverty stricken could access free medical services. As time has gone on we feel it is the right time for us to start up a charity who are in the process of being regulated by the Charity Commission, to raise funds to help the wider Burmese communities to rebuild their lives after the turmoils they have had to endure either politically or through natural disasters.

Who we help
First and foremost, we aim to help those who have been afflicted with disaster leaving them in an emergency state. We also aim to continue to help fund community projects such as building water wells, supporting orphans, widows with children, old people and those who are disadvantaged.

How do we know our funds are reaching the needy?
We have been sending monies to trusted people in Rangoon (capital city) for many years. We carry out checks and distribute funds accordingly. We have regular contact with the hospital board members and are kept up to date with progression via correspondence, annual reports and photos.

Where do our donations come from?
Our donations are mainly  from the wider muslim community who donate their Zakah, Lillah, Sadakah, Fitra and interest accumulated from savings. To date we have raised funds from masjid appeals, raising awareness in our local community and projects and through family and friends.